Il vivaio del Comune di Torino aperto a tutti

Dove nascono le aiuole fiorite dei giardini pubblici e gli alberi dei viali torinesi? Ecco qualche imagine del vivaio comunale di strada alla manifattura Tabacchi n. 32 chi ha ospitato oggi la manifestazione “Vivi vivaio… per fare un albero ci vuole un fiore”

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Informazioni su Piano Verde

Piano Verde is a group of neighbours who share the same courtyard in San Salvario, a district of Turin. We dream of a shared green space on the roof of the huge garage in the centre of the backyard. We want it to become a garden for everybody, full of eatable plants, herbs and fragrant flowers. We believe that this will help rediscover a sense of community by creating a communal shared space. Transforming such a large area covered with bitumen regulates the temperature, reduces fine particles and is beautiful to look at. The path is still long but we are ready to realize our dream together with our numerous neighbours!

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